Wednesday, April 13, 2016

My First 6 Months as a Goss

On October 23rd 2015, I was fortunate enough to marry James Benjamin Goss.  In the past 6 months our lives have changed quite significantly.  We returned from a 7 month deployment that we spent in separate countries.  I was promoted to Captain.  Ben and I moved in together with our giant 130 lb pup Tilly, and we all learned a little more about each other than we thought we would.  We were told we were moving to Washington, DC...then told we were moving to Quantico, VA, currently the moving truck is here and all of our things are heading to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.  We cleaned out both of our houses in Yuma, and put them both up for rent (we already have a hit on one property)!  In January, before we realized we'd be moving so soon, we signed up to be youth soccer coaches on base.  Meet the 2016 U6 Sharks--

Ben was told that he was no longer going to be a Communications Officer for the Marine Corps but actually a Logistics Officer for the Marine Corps, a completely new job that he had hoped for for a long time.  Ben and I received personal recognition from our command in Yuma for all our accomplishments with Marine Wing Support Squadron 371 and we said goodbye to our SandShark family.

All of this, and we are still in the middle of planning the Best Goss Darn Wedding Ever on June 4th, in hopes that our families and friends can join us in New Jersey to celebrate our marriage.  Ben and I have realized that time slips us some times.  We've been so busy getting this move together, trying to find a home in North Carolina (which we still haven't), school, work, soccer practice (for kids that aren't even ours) it's been a bit stressful.  But we've grown so deeply in our faiths in these past 6 months as a newly married couple, seriously relying on the Lord to take our worries and troubles.  We feel more than blessed and continue to ask for patience and grace when we are feeling anxious and stressed.  I still don't know what the Lord's plan is for us, but I do know it is to do great things in His name.  I decided to get rid of Facebook because I felt it was stealing my time (my own fault due to lack of discipline).  Time that I should be dedicating to more important things such as our move, my job, my school, the wedding, our dog, my husband, and Jesus.  I began this blog as a way to keep family and friends updated on what's going on in our crazy and hectic lives as we travel the world via the Marine Corps, start a family, and discover God's plans for us.  

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